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Authors: SARMAN, Zehra Betül
Keywords: Ortaokul
Problemli İnternet Kullanımı
Algılanan Sosyal Destek
Issue Date: 2019
Abstract: Employee performance is the fundamental aspect of organizational performance. This is because individual performance contributes to the performance of teams or departments and aggregate of all team and departments is the organizational performance, particularly in terms of productivity. The rewards system is an important device not only to monitor performance of employees but it can also be used as a motivation method. Thus, by an adequate reward system, an organization can retain employees as well as attract new talent. This research tempts to examine the impact of reward dimensions on employee’s motivation with special reference to Afghanistan Commercial Bank (A.C.B), in this research is to expose the most significant impact of reward system on employee’s motivation. Prior research in the field accentuates the importance of determining the link between reward systems and employee motivation and how they subsequently affect the productivity of employees and the success of the company. The purpose of this research study is to explore the relationship between impact of reward and employee’s motivation in A.C.B setting and determine how the total reward structure affects employee motivation levels within the given organization. Furthermore, the current study is supposed to check this phenomenon in the (A.C.B) sector because now a day’s banks are most versatile and competitive business of Afghanistan. Banks provide financial services to the customers and communities and play an important role in the economy of the country. All banks are constantly competing each other and as the products are relatively similar, it might be hard to be unique. People are coming with more knowledge and better skills which enhance the competition in this sector. To compete in this competitive modern era banks are advised to focus on the things which will provide them the competitive edge over the other businesses. Through this study new insights about how to motivate employees and the impact of reward system on employee’s motivation will be explored and if the end ups are made accordingly then it will be easier for any of the banking firm to get advantage from this study.
Appears in Collections:Tezler -- Thesis

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