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Title: Anadolu Bil Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi
Authors: Varlık, Candan
Issue Date: 2017
Citation: 12
Description: Anadolu Bil Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi özgün bilimsel araştırmalar ile uygulama çalışmalarına yer veren ve bu niteliği ile hem araştırmacılara hem de uygulamadaki akademisyenlere seslenmeyi amaçlayan hakemli bir dergidir. / Journal of Anadolu Bil Vocational School of Higher Education is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal which provides a platform for publication of original scientific research and applied practice studies. Positioned as a vehicle for academics and practitioners to share field research, the journal aims to appeal to both researchers and academicians.
ISSN: 1306-3375
Appears in Collections:Anadolu Bil Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi

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